A great summer for chess events
(Newcastle Chronicle, 24 May 2024)
The fickle English summer can throw a spanner in the works of even the best-laid plans, with downpours from the heavens disrupting everything from an election launch to cricket matches. Thankfully, indoor chess events cannot be rained off, and the summer months are a popular time to stage all kinds of tournaments, from one-day rapid and blitz events to long-play international congresses.
The North East chess scene is blessed with several events this summer, starting with the Regional Qualifying Zonal for the EJCOA National Youth Championships. The zonal takes place at the Tyneside Irish Centre in Newcastle’s Gallowgate on Sunday June 2, from 12 noon to 6pm. This will be a five-round congress, with sections for Under 8s, Under 10s, Under 12s and Under 18s. Entries are welcome online at: https://northumbriamasters.com with inquiries to: timpeterwall@gmail.com.
For full information about how to qualify and enter the National Finals, participants can go to: https://ejcoa.co.uk.
An event that caters for players of ages and strengths is the Northumberland & Durham Rapidplay Championships, which take place on Saturday 15 June, from 11am-6pm, at Forest Hall Social Club on Great Lime Road in Palmersville. There are Open, Major, Minor and Junior competitions, with six rounds during the day. Entries are being taken by Tim Wall at: timpeterwall@gmail.com and online at https://northumbriamasters.com.
The next big regional event is the Northumberland & Durham Blitz Championships, held on Sunday 7 July at The Word library, South Shields. For info and entries, contact Eddie Czestochowski at: eddie@southshieldschessclub.co.uk.
Both the Rapidplay and Blitz championships are open to any North East resident in Northumberland, Tyne & Wear and County Durham, with prizes and trophies in various categories.
The summer’s grand finale is the Northumbria Masters, which is hosted by Darlington Council at the town’s Dolphin Centre on 22-26 August – the August Bank Holiday weekend. The congress has a total prize fund of £6,500, and includes various tournaments for professional and club players, giving opportunities for players to score title norms.
It includes GM and IM norm all-play-alls, a Masters Open that includes invited Grandmasters, and two more FIDE-rated events aimed at amateur and club players: the Challengers (for players rated under 2000 FIDE) and the Major (for players rated under 1700 FIDE). Entries are being taken online for all tournaments at: https://northumbriamasters.com. Inquiries are welcome from players rated 2200+ wishing to take part in the GM and IM invitational events, and can be sent to: info@northumbriamasters.com.
This week’s puzzles feature brilliant finishes from the games of the legendary Latvian world champion, Mikhail Tal.
Puzzle A: Tal-Vooresma. White to play.
Puzzle B: Tal-Koblencs. White to play.
Puzzle C: Tal-Smyslov. White to play.
Puzzle D: Tal-Gulko. White to play.
A: 1 Ne6+! wins. If 1…fxe6 2 Rxf7, or 1…Qxe6 2 fxe6.
B: 1 Rf8! Rxf8 2 exf8(Q) Nxf8 3 e7 1-0. If 3…Kf7 4 exf8(Q)+ Kxf8 5 Kd1 wins.
C: 1 Qxf7! Qa1+ (or 1…Rxf7 2 Rxd8+) 2 Kd2 Rxf7 3 Nxf7+ Kg8 4 Rxa1 wins.
D: 1 Rxg7! fxe5 (1…Kxg7 2 Rg1+ Kf8 3 Qg3) 2 Rf7+ Ke8 3 Rxe7+ Kf8 4 Rf1+ Kg8 5 Rff7 1-0.