Gosforth events brighten up summer

(Newcastle Chronicle, 26 July 2024)

When you think of Tyneside football history, Wallsend Boys Club inevitably comes up. It was established more than a century ago, in 1904, initially to teach boxing to lads from Swan Hunters shipyards. The club switched its focus to football and became the stuff of legend. Among the 65 professional footballers who got their start at Wallsend are world-class players Alan Shearer and Peter Beardsley, to name just two. Today, the club has state-of-the-art sports facilities, and caters for girls and boys equally.

Chess’s equivalent is Gosforth Chess Club, which meets at Gosforth Empire Club on Salters Road on Mondays (7pm-10:30pm) for adults and Saturdays (10am-12 noon) for juniors. Gosforth has now become the preeminent Tyneside club, with more than 50 adults and up to 30 juniors playing in its year-round competitions.

The club is into its third Summer Blitz Grand Prix, which concludes with its fifth and final round at 7:15pm on Monday August 19. Contenders use their top three scores towards their Grand Prix total. Grand Prix leaders after four rounds are:
Open: 1 Charlie Storey (Morpeth) 74; 2 Gustavo Leon Cazares (Gosforth) 69.5, 3 Mick Riding (Gosforth) 58.5
Major: 1 Alan Welsh (Morpeth) 50.5, 2 John Liddle (Gosforth) 50, 3 Andy Trevelyan (Jesmond) 47
Minor: 1 Reese Wright 41.5, 2 Gianluca Pirozzi 34, 3 Brandon Russell (all Gosforth) 23
Junior: 1 Gianluca Pirozzi 34, 2 Kia Harkensee 24.5, 3 Gautham Sathishkumar (all Gosforth) 18.5

To enter, contact: enquires@gosforthchessclub.co.uk.

On July 14, Gosforth organised its first Open Junior Rapidplay, which took place on July 14 at St. Mary’s Catholic School in Longbenton. A total of 42 players from 28 different schools took part in the tournament, and the event was sponsored by the Community Foundation, a North East charity. The leading scores were:
1 Daniel Sewart (Chorister School Durham, Under 18 Champion) 7/8
2-3 Lev Drobiazko (Stephenson Memorial, Under 14 Champion) & Lee Tim (Belmont, Under 10 Champion) 6.5
4-5 Joseph Machin (Ingelby Manor) & Gautham Satishkumar (Gosforth Central) 6

The other major summer event run by Gosforth is its “Chess in the Park” days. The second monthly open-air event takes place this Saturday, July 27, at Gosforth Central Park from 11am-4pm.

For full info on Gosforth Chess Club activities, go to: https://www.gosforthchessclub.co.uk.


This week’s puzzles show how the classic king hunt has developed down the centuries.

Puzzle A: 1620 – Gioachino Greco (White) to play

Puzzle B: 1863 – Wilhelm Steinitz (White) to play

Puzzle C: 1992 – David Norwood (White) to play

Puzzle D: 2019 – Daniil Dubov (White) to play


A: 1 Bxh7+! Kxh7 2 Ng5+ Bxg5 3 hxg5 Kg8 4 Qh5 f5 5 g6 Re8 6 Qh8 checkmate.
B: 1 dxe6! Nxb3 2 exf7+ Kd7 3 Be6+ Kc6 4 Ne5+ Kb5 5 Bc4+ Ka5 6 Bb4+ Ka4 7 axb3 checkmate.
C: 1 Qxc6+! Kxc6 2 Nxd4+ Kb6 3 Rb1+ Ka6 4 Bb7+ Ka5 5 Bd2+ Ka4 6 Bc6+ Kxa3 7 Bc1+ Ka2 8 Rb2+ Ka1 9 Nc2 checkmate.
D: 1 Bb3! Bd7 (if 1…Kxb3 2 Qc2+, or 1…Bf5+ 2 e4 Bxe4+ 3 Nxe4 just delays the mate) 2 Qc1+ Kxb3 3 Qc2+ Ka3 4 Qa2 checkmate.